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You can upload any file type for share pages with just a download button. For in-browser previews, here's what we have so far. Please let us know if you want to request another addition!
Audio In-browser media playerm4a, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav
Code Syntax highlightingbat, clj, css, gradle, groovy, hbs, html, jade, java, js, json, jsp, jsx, less, markdown, php, pl, plist, properties, python, ruby, sass, scss, sh, sql, txt, typescript, xml, yaml, yaml
Documents In-browser PDF viewerdoc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, rtf
Image In-browser media playerbmp, gif, ico, jpeg, png, svg, webp
Tabular Data Sortable tablecsv, tsv, xls, xlsx
Video In-browser media playeravi, mov, mp4, mpeg, ogg, webm
There are no bandwidth limits, however we reserve the right to suspend hotlinking of images in cases of abuse.